Brian Lee Nash

Founding Attorney

I am often asked what experience do I have. The truth is I have helped hundreds of client’s just like you solve their legal problems.

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Brian Lee Nash

Founding Attorney

Your Criminal Defense Lawyer in Downtown Nashville, TN

Getting Arrested Sucks!

Everyone can agree, being arrested is one of the most stressful times in your life. You are put in handcuffs, your freedom is taken away and you don’t know what is going to happen. You’re worried about your loved ones, maybe even your dog and so much more.  

You’re the Hero, We’re the Guides

We get it. You may not feel like the hero since you were arrested. But, after 14 years of helping thousands of clients that are facing a DUI or other criminal charges just like you are we know this true. You’re the hero.

My mentor taught me the best way to show someone how to help them is to, help them. 

Free Strategy Session

We focus on helping you. 

Where many of the other attorneys you could hire focus on their awards (we have those), their time as a judge, prosecutor or probation officer (we get the same and often better deals) or other factors not relevant to the most important thing, HELPING YOU get the RESULTS YOU WANT!

We’re Focused on 3 Things:

This is why we are different, we have a clear focus from the begining to the end. 

We are focused on helping you navigate the complex and chaotic legal system to get the results you want: 

1) Stay out of Jail; 

2) Limit the Damage to Your Record; and 

3) Get Your Life Back on Track. 

This quote from the American Bar Association is how we see it: “(You) don’t want to hear about where (I) went to law school, and how great (my) law firm is. (You) are interested in how (my) firm has solved problems for clients who share similar problems (to yours).”

Get your no obligation Free Strategy Session Now!

We have done this for thousands, now let us help you. Call 615-627-4529 Now or submit a form to get your Free Strategy Session. 

Can 615-NASH-LAW win your case?

We will not stop until we have uncovered every stone to get the best possible outcome in your case. 

And, we will hold your hand every step of the way.

You definitely are not just a number at 615-NASH-LAW. We are trusted partners that work to eliminate any obstacles to your success with not only the pressing legal issues but also succeeding in life after your case is concluded.

Can I win your case? YES we can!

How? We get to know you, stay focused on the 3 things and either through negotiations or fighting for your rights. 

We use every resource at our disposal to win your case. Our life experience, our training at law school, our experience helping thousands of clients win cases very similar to yours. We are confident we can win yours too.

Here’s the thing. Each case is different but the process is the same. Winning is done through negotiations, motions and/or winning at trial.

We keep you informed every step of the way and treat you the way we would want to be treated if we were in your shoes.

Call 615-627-4529 now because proactive people win more than people that hesitate.

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We are not the heros. YOU are!

It is our duty to inform you of your options and chances of winning at every step, and we will. 

We will turn over every stone to find a way to win. 

That way you can make an informed decision on which step is the best for you when considering the facts and options in your specific case.

The reason Nash went to law school was because he loves helping people and wants to help you. After years of being in the courtroom, we continue to win cases and help you win at life.

Brian Lee Nash

Every great story has a hero and even though you might not feel like it right now, YOU are the hero of this story.

The attorney that is a former judge, prosecutor or probation officer is not the hero. Likewise,

We not the heroes. YOU are!

That’s why we make sure to talk to you, find out the situation and recommend things you, and only you, can do to help win your case. It is a team effort and we are your guides.

We guide you to be the best version of you that you can be and help you overcome these obstacles preventing you from the next step in life.

We are determined to help you succeed and move to the next level of what you are meant to accomplish in this world.

Can you trust us with your case and your future?

YES! How do you know we can handle your case? By trusting your gut, speaking to us, and reading the reviews people leave. You will see we do what we say and can help you- like we helped them and the thousands of clients that trust us. 

See the image and click it and it will take you to my reviews to read for yourself.

We make sure to build trust with you, with the prosecutors and judges and others in the community. This trust with you and the prosecutors is priceless when we negotiate and fight for your rights.

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So why should you hire us?

This is why:

We have helped thousands of client’s with cases similar to yours and a large percentage of them left great Google Reviews. 

Further, you will be satisfied with the ease of signing up, the direct availability to us and actively connecting and conversing with us. You will also love the comfort of knowing you’re in good hands with a legal team that can guide you through this stressful time; and a law firm and attorneys that places you first and that sees you as the hero you are.

You will know that we care, that we are transparent, and we have made the process to talk and to sign up easy. It will also clear from the reviews and through speaking with us that we will do everything to accomplish our 3 main goals:

1) Stay out of Jail; 

2) Limit the Damage to Your Record; and 

3) Get Your Life Back on Track. 

We have done this for thousands, now let us help you.  

Call now because you will be glad you did.

Our Diverse Background & Experience

Personally, Nash has almost 14 years of practicing law. Combining that with his life experience, it’s clear the experience has taught him to add value to people’s lives, get results, and build a real relationship with his clients so that both our lives will be better.

Remember, you are the hero of this story, not us. Many attorneys love talking about themselves. We love having conversations, getting to know and connecting with my clients.

This is enjoyable and also serves a bigger purpose. We can now go tell the District Attorney the necessary points to win your case through negotiations. We don’t just go plea you out. 

We don’t need to brag about our accomplishments. It is our hope that the work we do for you and the relationship we build will do the talking.

We know that you will be better off after allowing us the privilege of guiding you through this difficult time.

Whether you need advice prior to moving forward or after you have already been charged, we are able to analyze the situation and provide you with a comprehensive list of options.

We will then begin to negotiate and fight for you – in and out of court.

Nash’s and his team’s diverse background, determination to succeed and superb legal education allows us to find a solution to your DUI or criminal charges so you win your case. 

Don’t wait, statistics show that those that pick up the phone and call now increase their odds of winning their case. 

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