Nashville Probation Violation Attorney

Fighting for Your Freedom!

Closely following the conditions of your probation can be difficult, but it is crucial to retaining your freedom. If you are convicted of violating your probation the judge could require you to serve the maximum penalty for the offense on which you were originally convicted. It isn’t unusual for a person to be innocent and still be charged with violating probation.

A probation violation doesn’t have to mean you are automatically going to jail, especially if your original offense was not serious such as a violent crime. It does mean that you should be represented by a Nashville criminal defense attorney who is experienced in fighting probation violation charges.

Assistance from a Nashville Probation Violation Attorney

There are several ways to violate probation. However, there are two types of probation violations:

  • Technical violation
  • Commission of a new offense

Depending upon the circumstances both of these may be successfully defended. In the case of a new offense, a dismissal of the charge or an acquittal would be grounds to have the violation charge dropped.

If you are accused of a technical violation, such as failure to perform community service or to keep a probation meeting, the prosecution must prove that you willfully committed this violation. It is very important that you discuss your situation quickly with a Nashville probation violation attorney, and find out what can be done to avoid revocation of your probation.

Rely On Us and Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Nashville Probation Violation Attorneys

Don’t underestimate the seriousness of this situation. We understand that anyone can make a mistake. Don’t make a second mistake by trying to defend yourself. The law is filled with technicalities and you will need a criminal defense lawyer with a thorough understanding of the law and a willingness to take an aggressive stance in your defense.

You can rely upon the commitment of our legal team to assist you to retain your freedom. Nash Law, PLLC has the knowledge and skills to help you with any matter concerning a probation violation.

Accused of a probation violation? Contact a Nashville probation violation attorney at Nash Law immediately by calling 615-NASH-LAW or by filling out a contact form here.